Llama Update 6.16

Since our last update we have been able to get all the Oil & SW flowlines laid, trenched, and buried on the 13-2 well. We only have the Reta cable for electricity to lay, still waiting on East Central Electricity to hang a transformer and meter.

Today, on the 13-1 well we were able to finish boring under the county road (after five attempts, something hard under there) and laying the SW line across to the Sw pump which will pump our Sw on down to the Sw disposal well. We have the oil flowline laid & stretched out ready to be trenched in to the 13-1 pumpjack. We still need to lay, trench, and bury the Reta Cable for electricity on this well. And of course we are still waiting on East Central Electricity to hang a transformer and meter for this well also.

We will be building the pad for the tank battery and Adam’s tank & Lease should be delivering the oil tanks, sw tank, gunbarrel, and seperater in the next day or so.

Our goal is to have everything set, hooked up, plumbed in and ready to turn on by the end of the week on both the 13-2 and 13-1 well while only having to wait on East Central for the last step… bring us the juice.

We are hustling as quick as we can, understanding sometimes we are held up by minor delivery issues. 

We are trying to beat the rains which are forecast to return at the end of the week. Even if we get a bit wet it will not be an issue as we have all of the heavy equipment already on location and set up.

Making progress…stay tuned.