
Counties of the Permian Basin

The establishment media and shale myth-making

Todd Bennington, Kingdom Exploration Media In the below uncritical account recently posted at, the Permian Basin is presented as a panacea for the nation’s energy needs and as the place where, with a little hard work and determination, billionaires are made every day: “Like so many of the dreamer-turned-tycoon stories the area churns […]

Kurdish oil well platform

Could Kurdish Independence Spark An Oil War?

Below are links to a couple of interesting pieces on a potential Kurdish state’s likely effect on regional stability and oil prices. Our national interests may call for caution. Writes political commentator Pat Buchanan: “For though the Kurds, 30 million in number, are probably the largest ethnic group on earth without a nation-state of their […]

Could $100 oil make a comeback?

Could sustained high oil prices make a resurgence?

Todd Bennington, Kingdom Exploration Media Some very optimistic investors are betting that oil prices will rise out of the current $50-per-barrel doldrums, with interest in $100 call options for December 2018 having tripled this past week. [1] [2] But is such an increase at all a possibility, much less realistic, when we’ve seen so much […]

Advantages of Canadian oil investment opportunities versus U.S. shale

Kingdom Exploration LLC offers northern alternative for forward-thinking investors By Todd Bennington, Kingdom Exploration Media Despite the fanfare with which advances in hydraulic fracturing technology were met with over the past several years, the fact is that today the profitability of the major U.S. shale plays is in sharp decline. Costs associated with drilling new […]

shale oil well

Art Berman: ‘Shale gas magical thinking’

Todd Bennington, Kingdom Exploration Media Arthur Berman is a geological consultant with almost 40 years of experience in the petroleum sector. Berman takes what he says is a realistic, as opposed to pessimistic, view of the future of tight oil plays, saying that the popular narrative in which they represent the answer to all the […]